Day 9 – Wednesday 28 February
Oh dear, poor Steve, several days suffering from gout the day after the move on Tuesday he couldn’t put any weight on his right foot or walk. As it was raining we called it a bed day and camped with books, food, videos and conversation. There was nothing that couldn’t wait until today.
With an early night, rest and Steve’s leg feeling slightly better we couldn’t wait to get stuck into today and finish unpacking, sorting and setting up our pitch. We had standards to maintain!
When you visit an English seaside and see the holiday huts, they are all the same size but each individual in colour, finishing touches, lighting and ornaments. It’s no different here on our campsite with a variety of caravans, motorhomes and permanent pitches. There are no children, and everyone seems to be retired rather than transient holiday makers; many of the people here seem to have been coming over several years, and staying several months. The few permanent pitches have gardens with exotic plants and colourful ornaments. There’s an Italian couple who have a gazebo in the front of theirs, giving cover to a dining table for six resplendent with table ornaments and a couple of chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Wouldn’t mind being invited over to theirs for a meal. The lovely Shirl (not Shirley, she doesn’t like that) who got us into #44 has a water feature in the front of hers and at night lights twinkle from the awning. All very pretty, pretty. We’ve noticed that many people hang bags of lemons and oranges from trees. We’re still trying to figure out why.

We’re feeling organised, relaxed and happy to put our feet up for a few days.
Wednesdays for Steve are Curry Nights, so tonight its Butter Chicken a la Steve -waiting on Blanche hand and foot. I don’t think life gets any better than this!