Strolling down to the beach around 4:30pm for our evening walk with Stella, Steve brought with a picnic blanket, chilled bottle of Rosé and pair of binoculars, kindly given to us by Cousin Martin. Martin you have no idea how much those binoculars are being used.

We set ourselves up on a dune (until the ants took over and we moved lower down back on to the beach) and people watched. We watched the boats, paddle boards with Dads and their children, birds feeding from the sea, locals with their sea fishing rods, a successful dinner catch (but they are going to need a bigger fish!), professional photographers taking family pictures of a Confirmation girl, who couldn’t have looked any more pretty, a Wedding couple totally loved up and finally watched and admired a beautiful sunset.

Although being the end of a bank holiday weekend in Spain, the beach was not crowded and social distancing was not an issue. Having watched all of this in T shirts and shorts, shielding our eyes from the sun it was very, very difficult to compute we’re doing this in November.

This looks so relaxing. Didn’t
realise you took a dog with
you. Will speak soon. Xxxx
Our dog is Stella, almost 10 years old and travels everywhere with us