Do you remember George, the boat owner who took us up the River Cetina when we visited Omis? When we were saying our good byes he said that he would drop off a bottle of his wine for us if we gave him the address of our campsite and our pitch number. We thought from the way he said it, he must mean home made wine and thought if he did drop some off that would be a really nice thing to do for us. We liked George. We love wine. Win, win. When we returned from our Holiday within a Holiday we heard from Reception that George had indeed kept his promise which came accompanied with some chocolate. The wine, definitely home made, came in a plastic bottle and was sampled last night with lamb curry. The lamb came from Saturday’s takeaway and the curry from a can Steve found in a Supermarket. Poor lad, he’s missing his curry nights as there doesn’t seem to be any Indian Restaurants around here.

The weather is at last turning warmer and we now open our windows to create drafts through the caravan rather than for a quick blast of fresh air. This morning I settled in to catch up with some domestic goddess duties, especially having been away for a few days. It’s amazing how much dust accumulates in a caravan, but at least it’s a very small area to get through. As there is little, if any, privacy living in a caravan, Steve decided to give the Poacher a service whilst I coloured my three grey hairs. We have an arrangement. If I say I would like the caravan to myself for a bit, he disappears.
Steve, as everyone who knows him knows, is incredibly practical and loves tinkering with anything mechanical. Whilst giving the Poacher a service, telling me it’s hardly used any oil, he decided to check the brakes, apparently they need manual adjustment. When he had finished I looked at his t shirt, scowled and asked why he couldn’t have worn a t shirt that he’d already stained with oil from the last time he played with his car. I had to apologise. He had! I just hadn’t noticed the new oil stains amongst the other stains since Friday.
It’s been essential to learn how to relax, concentrate on one thing at a time (very difficult if you are female and used to multi-tasking, almost impossible for me) when the only wifi service available to the caravan wonders in and out at will and when it’s working can be unbearably teasingly slow. You’ve no idea the patience and time it takes for each post on the blog, sorting out up to 200 photos, reducing the image size of the ones to use and remembering where to put them. But we’re having such a great time, I’m loving recording our adventures and sharing them with you. We know how lucky we are to have different things to do and keep our conversations fresh and flowing.
My trust in local Spainish hairdressers was misplaced. Why is it that the female hairdressers with the longest hair are the most scissor happy? Haven’t had a cut for about two months and still hasn’t grown back. Luckily, I don’t get too many video calls and I don’t have to go back to the butcher of Seville. That’s my excuse for some of the scary hairy photos.
Now that the weather is improving and the winds dropping, I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to wake up in a morning with a view of the beach and know, whenever we want to, we can take the boat out for a booze cruise. Speaking of booze, last night Steve was excited to hear that one of the four camp site beach bars was now open from 8pm – 10pm. We were a little puzzled at the two hour opening but got showered, dressed for the temperature dropping and couldn’t find it. As I was in the caravan waiting for my 3 grey hairs to become a medium shade of auburn, I contacted Reception to ask which bar was open, which day and when. I burst out laughing to find out the bar is now open every day and the hours are from 8am to 8pm. With a complete auburn head of hair, at 1:30 off we went for our first drink in one of our campsite beach bars. I took some snaps along the way.
We’re loving this campsite and being able to tour in the car, as Croatia is a compact country. Now if they just did a deal with Amazon, life would be perfect.
Did you take the pictures along the way so that you would know how to get back? Honestly, I would not
bother. That final picture of your table laden with vino and view is fantastic. I’d handcuff myself to those
railings! (After checking there was table service). Am very jealous of the sunshine. It’s bank holiday
Monday here: strong winds, sideway rain and 11 degrees (but feels like 4!). Miss you guys x