W/e 4/2/2024
Went to Calcutt boats and picked up the circuit board – fitted it on Wednesday , it didn’t cure the problem!
W/E 28/1/2024
Got the saloon and bathroom insulation finished and boxed in, at least provisionally. Loads of work trying to identify the problem, of the heater, but no further forward, It must be the circuit board, I’ve done everything else. The only time I could replicate the problem was disconnecting the operating aquastat , but having thought I’d found a cause, it wouldn’t start up again. Tried kickstarting the fuel pump, but it still wont start up.
W/E 21/1/2024
Monday, got Pegasus dragged out, hull was absolutely fine, but we put 5 extra anodes on, now we have 10 !
Mostly off the boat due to freezing conditions and Loan Charge parliament Replaced the conduit for the wires and cut holes in the tubes for the wires back to bathroom/engine room bulkhead.
W/E 14/1/2024
Good week on the boat, went to Wendover arm solo, and got some chill time, as well as working out the battery charging routine. Unfortunalety over-revved the generator and blew the battery charger !
W/E 7/1/2024
Went to boat to fit the Cerbo, it’s brilliant, at last I can see what the electrical systems are doing. Started on the cabin roof and the insulating panels. Heater still not working properly, its frustrating. Sanded down the swan hatches to at least enable them to close properly. Changed battery settings to get the solar charging up to 14.4v, and 13.5v float. It appears to be working fine with the 1k solar panels on top.
W/E 31/12/23
Off boat, although fire alarm at the rear cabin went off, so we went to Cowroast to turn it off, and rescue the alarm to get it checked out
W/E 24/12/2023
Off boat – Used mums Christmas money for a Cerebo which should give me some more insight into the batteries. After the holiday I’ll get the cables and look at how many busses I need to undestand, VE Bus CanBus etc. Double dutch atm.
W/E 17/12/2023
Took Pegasus to Wendover arm solo to play with the batteries, electric etc, and get the Honda genny hooked up. Played with the settings. Not sure what I did, but cant get the solar to charge at over 13v Also found the geeny tried to charge ar `13.5, when I needed 14.4 / 14.8
Big mistake was to give the leaking calorifier a tweak, with the big spanner. That lead to a leak, and had to drain down , Couldnt isolate the tanks, the speed fit isolators rounded off so big probs.
Hearter still not working, another probelm , and despite Canadian suporrt still no inprovement but they have suggested I play with the regulator to eliminate that .
Had a look at the leaking cylinder, think I’ll try with PTFE as I can’t get the immersion out of the tank without dismantling most of the bathroom ! Post Christmas
Got back to Cowroast on a very windy day without too many issues, the last 30 ft seems the trickiest when the wind takes her, and the boat on the other side of the jetty ,which is loosley tied by the centre line drifts into our mooring and I have to push it away a bit .
W/E 10/12/2023
Off Pegasus (German Christmas Markets)
W/E 3/12
Filled with Diesel, around 110 Litres for £126.60. Had no problem getting out of the mooring and Chris next door helped me pull it round . Afterwards I helped him do the same.
Heater still not working despite lots of encouragement but in touch with Canada now.
Changed the oil and oil filter on the engine. 6.5 litres of oil. What came out was clean and a good consistency. Had to fill the gearbox up a bit.
RCR did an engine and electric check. couple of chafing hoses and a couple of copper washers leaking, from the gearbox side of things – Oh that’s where the oil in the engine pan is coming from ! RCR engineer Jamie said that I didn’t need to change the air filter for another couple of years as it is in a clean environment in the engine room .
Engine is reving at 650 now, but I’ll screw it down a bit when we use it next time.
W/E 26/11/2023
Plumbed the fuel copper side of the heater back up. Was running the heater on a jerry can which I filled up to test it , but it made no difference in any case. Started the engine up, it put a lot of soot up , so I ended up swabbing the cabin top of the boat next door.
Got everything ready for boat safety, took some videos, and sent to Ben Jacobs, who issued the certificate.
W/E 19/11/2023
Off Pegasus (Blanche was ill)
W/E 12/11/2023
Added two more solar panels to the roof. We now have 6 x 175W making 1,050W (1KW) upstairs> I wired as three parallel banks of two, so the voltages (19.4v per panel) should be just under 38.8 , and the amps, (9A per panel) should be 27A . 38 times 27 is 1047 Watts. I think the LA batteries are just not up to it, but some time on float may hopefully refresh them .
This week replumbed the fuel hoses at the back with ISO 7840 hoses.
Stripped the heater – 3 times, spoke to Calcutt boats, Dave, Have removed the fan and oiled it up. Cleaned burner three times ! Got the wiring semi-tidied up in the back underfloor cabin.
Got the celotex into the ceiling voids, and ready for the final panelling to be installed.
W/E 5/11/2023
Got on with some of the BSS jobs this week, managed to get each leg off the back stove and drilled 8mm holes in each , secured the two feet nearest the centre of the cabin with 8mm coach bolts. Need to re-tile the hearth but will save that for later. Got the chimney off of the stove to be able to move it, needed to unsecure the collar as repositioning the stove meant that the flue damper vent did not line up and was leaving a gap.
Wired a wardrobe light, through a PIR, but the light has an on / off setting which makes it a bit cumbersome.
Got some more insutalion into the roof, but need some more 8mm thick 13mm wide strips of ply to continue.
Got the Hurricane stripped at the burner end, but no joy, still not heating up.
Stripped off the burn insulation and wrapped the top of the exhaust pipe so that it’s a bit cooler up there
Got some 8mm eye bolts which I bolted through the front bulkhead and secured each gas bottle separate with ratchet straps. Put a chain in between the bottles for anything ancillary, such as spare bottle or jerry can.
I wish it wold stop raining so I could crack on.
Tried blacking the stove top of the morso, it isnt shiny yet, and needs some ventilation to burn off the blacking but its an improvement, did wire brush off the back stove collars, will need some tlc and repainting before refitting .
W/E 29/11/2023
Eugene , Mercedes, Siena and Orlando came round and we went to the other side of the Marsworth flight for an overnight, Stopped at Tring Garden centre way up, Grand Junction way back. Before we went put the 25 litres of diesel in from the jerry cans left over from the heater and dipped the tank at 34 cm.
The elf on the shelf and I slept in the boatmans cabin. It was not so bad, but the duvets need to be made smaller as they have a life of their own at full size, and can tangle you up , fall off the top bunk, just get in the way .
Hurrican heater has suspected “short flame” due to not enoug air coming through, sounds expensive
W/E Sunday 22/10
Got the back cabin bed rail from Stephen, Swapped the tub chairs for recliners, maybe not the best idea, but we’ll try them for a bit. Renewed RCR Gold Membership at £320.
Started to get the Celotex into the roof, and started to repanel the ceiling.
W/E Sunday 15/10
Monday went down to Berko, which was 7 locks (4 hours) and Michelle and Ian came round that evening, Stayed in Berko for 3 nights, visiting the cafes etc, enjoyed the different aspect of being able to walk to the High Street and having everything on tap. On Thursday we turned round, by going 4 locks down, and then 4 locks back to our mooring, but facing the other way. (4 hours) . On Friday went back to Cowroast , hitched up with chatty Alistair, so the locks were not so bad, except for the widebeam in front of who did not set the locks for us. On the way up met the fuel boat and bought 4 bags of coal. 2 Supatherm (slow burning), and 2 Excel (High Heat) at £17.50/£18 per bag. Saw a water vole at Dudswell, black with white ears, and saw plenty of Rats at Berko towpath.
Return Time to Berko coffee shops – 12 hours !
Engine a bit smokey at the end of the trip, but the 12 hours of virtual idling had obviously contributed. Fuel Filter drained a bit , but there was minimal water.
Stern Glad leaks a bit on running, but if greased then its watertight when not running
W/E Sunday 8//10
Ben Jacobs did our boat safety on the Monday , not too bad a report and only the temporary jobs to complete, fuel hoses etc , nothing urgent or Warning Notices etc, must have got something right ! Added two more cans of injector cleaner to get a concentrated flow through the engine.
W/E Sunday 1/10
Blanche’s birthday week, Saw Grayson Perry, Fascinating Aedea, and had dinner with Dave and Ange.
W/E Sunday 24/9
Re-plumbed the Hurricane and Teed it into the main fuel filter. That means I can ditch two half cans of Diesel, which was put into the main tank 25 liters. Dipped the tank before the addition , it was 34 cm
W/E Sunday 24/9
W?E Sunday 17/9
Dipped the tank, its at 39cm, just over half full. Chased back the leak on the fuel filter to one of the plugs, so it’s sounding better and I have a bit more confidence in starting it. The secondary fuel filter looked clean so was put back, it had only been in for a couple of weeks. . Two more bottles of Wynns injector cleaner so it hopefully will be good for a while now. On Tuesday we took Vikky up the cut , turned at Wendover Arm, with a quick stop at the Grand Junction. On Thursday Ken and Suzie came up , and we went to the Grand Junction, same as Tuesday. Engine is running a lot smoother now.
W/E Sunday 10/9
Monday went to the end of the Wendover Arm for some easier access to get the window seals in. Met Holly and Paul on their two boats. Came back Tuesday evening, but it got too dark so stayed on the cut. Wednesday went back to the marina after an early start to pick Jill and Paul up, then back up to the Grand Junction . Thursday went back to Marlow, then Bristol, but that’s another story. Kim and Eva visited Pegasus on the Sunday, joined by Tim and Vron, Went to the end of the Wendover Arm for Lunch, not stopping at the Grand junction for a change. Gave Tim some instruction on steering etc.
Emptied the primary fuel filter to find quite a bit of water, but that’s good as its doing its Job.
W/E Sunday 3/9
Went to Grand Junction to do the other three windows, put in the Port side windows over the weekend. Went to the Tring Garden Centre as well. .
W/E Sunday 27/8
Took Pegasus up the cut , and installed thee three starboard side large windows. Took a day to install 3 of , then Blanch sealed them the next day. First day we met Shane (bike engineer) who was doing his oil change, and the second Thor, on “nifty fifty” who is a sparky, and ex greenjacket. and the On Friday took Nigel Pearce and Karen to Grand Junction , and signed wills when got back. At the weekend fitted the FuelGuard Filter, its a little sluggish starting and I think there may be some air in the system. Put a new fuel filter on at the same time. Also re-plumbed the batteries so that there’s equal draw on each battery to maximise efficiency. Still not 100% satisfied with the batteries, as the discharge rate seems very fast.
W/E Sunday 20/8
Gave Pegasus a run to Grand Junction on 15th as a bit of an engine clear and similar journey with Paul on the 16th. Blanche has used the week to Osmo the back cabins and I have done some general maintenance, cleared the prop bearing sump out with Gunk, which worked well, and de-weeded the prop. Put in three bottles of Redex, which in hindsight is clearing the system a bit so it is starting a little better now. Ordered fuel filter and some lights for the back cabin as well as the larger leads for the invertor (95mm cable) and batery bank rewire.
Tue 1/8 to Fri 4/8
Bert and Ghea arrived from Holland. Put in 88.7 litres fresh diesel, and changed the fuel filter, it was a mess of diesel crud. Getting the same symptoms, i.e I have to bleed the system to get the engine started. Put in 10cl marine 16. On Wed went through first 7 at Marsworth, then waited for rain to stop before visiting the Anglers Rest (Closed Wednesdays !) so off to the Red Lion. Ate on Pegasus. Bert and Ghea slept at the back, our first visitors, so we are now officially 4 berth. Returned up Marsworth, with Ed and Rachael and made easy work of it with a large lock crew. Went down and back Wendover Arm on the return, lovely bit of canal, past the flour mill. Morris dancing at the Rose and Crown Ivinghoe that night.
Sun 30/7
Went on a day return trip through Marsworth (first 7 ) to the Anglers Rest, didn’t stop there but had Sunday dinner on board with Tim, Vron, Lucy, Grant , Lexi and Freddie ( yes 8 for dinner! Just before dinner I caught a fish ! Engine a bit slow to start so I’ll change the filters
Sun 23/7 to Sat 29/7
Off Pegasus
Sun 16/7 to Sat 22/07
At Cowroast, refilled grease at the stern gland, got last few days rainwater out from back bilges. Cleared the black plastic bag from the prop, and started the Hurricane to check it was working. Start on Back cabin and some more maintenance tomorrow. Blanche is on holiday so I can get on. Busy week building the rear cabin, wired the bilge pump at the stern gland into the Bilge pump under the rear cabin. Washed out the pump, and put Gunk around stern gland. Got the foam cut as templates for the beds, and assembled rear cupboard etc. Also finished the bathroom panelling and got shelves ready to fit.
Sat 15/7
Checked Oil in Gearbox and Engine, both OK. Engine is running maybe 500 revs to fast at idle, but not touching it until we get to Cowroast. Ivinghoe locks were challenging, and lots more locks made it tough going, but we did find a boat and travelled some way up with them. It was a hire boat, more the length of a bathtub. We were conscious of the yellow weather wind warning, but actually apart from some very heay (really heavy) rain it wasn’t to bad Vron joined as Marsworth lock 2 , and what a relief. With Vron’s help and enthusiasm we made the Marsworth, (last lock before Cowroast) then passed the Aylesbury and Wendover arms before a final push for the turn into Cowroast. 6 days solid travelling , According to Canal Plan UK :
This is a trip of 71 miles, 5½ furlongs and 48 locks from Fennis Field Arm to Cowroast Marina.This will take 33 hours and 24 minutes which is 4 days, 5 hours and 24 minutes at 7 hours per day plus 6 hours on the first evening and 6 hours on the last morning.
From Fennis Field Arm travel southeast on the Oxford Canal (Northern Section – Main Line) for 13 miles, 1¾ furlongs and 3 locks to Braunston Turn, then travel east on the Grand Union Canal (Grand Junction Canal – Main Line – Braunston to Norton) for 4 miles, 4 furlongs and 6 locks to Norton Junction, then travel southeast on the Grand Union Canal (Grand Junction Canal – Main Line – Norton to Gayton) for 12 miles, 3¼ furlongs and 7 locks to Gayton Junction, then travel southeast on the Grand Union Canal (Grand Junction Canal – Main Line – Gayton to Brentford) for 41 miles, 4¾ furlongs and 32 locks to Cowroast Marina.
Fri 14/7
Bit of a stop/start day with the rain. First Lock was Fenny Stratford, which had a swing bridge over the middle of it and a rise of only around 12 inches. After Stoke Hammond Lock there is a swing bridge , at Seabrooke which needs opening to pass though. Got through Church Lock, after Leightom Buzzard, before an overnight stop , and steak dinner in the rain.
Thu 13/7
Started with 6 locks at Stoke Beuerne , Got to Cosgrove lock, where we the Buckingham arm leaves. Approaching Milton Keynes is the Great Ouse Aqueduct, , fairly long day travelling but forecast for next two days not good. Topped up partially water tank at MK, and stopped soon after by the bank.
Wed 12/7
Elson at Gayton Junction, (which is the entrance to the Northampton Arm) then got to Stoke Bruene after the Blisswoth tunnel (hit another boat unfortunately !) Night out with a curry and a coupe of pints in Stoke Breuen which is easy walking distance from the end of the tunnel. . Blanche bought a windlass holder. All going well,
Tue 11/7
Braunston up through 6 locks before breakfast, through Tunnel, past Napton Junction, (where the New inn is ) then the Buckby 7 locks down to finish the day, to stay by the bank at Never Hayford. Reasonable early finish afer a;ll those locks so put the rod out and caught a bream.
Mon 10/7
Left Brinklow at 11am , Elsan empty. water full, Diesel last filled 1/06, Gas last bottle 19/05. Through the short Newbold Tunnel and the three Hilmorton Locks,, the three side by side locks. Got to Braunston, had a pint or two at the Admiral after moored up .
Mon 05/06 Fri 09/06
Fitted the Port and Starboard side portholes, not maybe as bad as I envisaged apart from the self tappers breaking at every opportunity. Some small carpentry jobs, bit of electrical tidying, it all helps.
Fitted the solar panels, 4 * 175 Victron panels, total of 700W, took two days, but results are instantaneous, much more power,
Had a go at the side panel in the bathroom, which forms the cupboard in the bathroom. getting some ideas as to how to proceed.
Fitted the hose to the rear (swim area) sump pump, its a good fit, and can route through the old heater exhaust.
Created the wiring diagrams in advance of getting the 12v distribution panel ready for tidying up.
Only been at Brinklow one week, Julie has taken me to the shops and said I can use her car, , Tony has bough some food back for me from Lidl, Andy has got the beer in , Phil is sanding the roof of his boat, Simon and Will are chewing the cud overlooking the meadow, Claire’s taken Stella for a walk with another 4 or 5 playfull dogs and its very frendly here
I’m up for Fish and Chips and a quiz on Saturday, the Raven has always been full of conversation, Ian and Carol, Seamus, the two hikers, Alex and his barmaid, Pat , and some others I didn’t catch their names. The staff at Brinklow are brilliant, Mark Dave and Phil, and Sonja, who I met briefly before she went to Italy for a week.
apart from falling off the bike on the way back from the Raven it’sd been a good week.
Day 32 and 33 (Sat/Sun 03 to 04/06)
Quiet Days at Brinklow
Day 31 (Fri 02/06)
Easy cruise, no locks to Brinklow Marina to meet Mark and Sonja, and get a berth , N11-2, which was managed, after a very tight turn into the marina basin. Lovely Marina , great facilities, but no social club/bar, so in the evening Stella and I set off to the nearest pub, the Raven, which is a very scenic and rural 3 miles away, which isn’t so bad getting there, but leaving at a wobbly 11pm wasn’t the best idea in the world. On the way there met Nick and Rachael, on “Hedgehog” who we had met a week or so ago on the towpath, drinking wine and getting Pizza ready . Bit of a tidy up day, ordered new panels, for delivery to the Marina, and dosed another 10ml of Marine 16, must get a pipette.
Day 30 (Thu 01/06)
Today it was the Hillmorton flight, which is actually 3 locks side by side, so numbered 1 to 6. It is the busiest set of locks in England. The first two we had some help from a fellow boater, the third one was manned by the CRT so it was relatively uneventful, and Nail Saving. After lunch on the boat, my new Lockie and I walked to the Station (Rugby) and she got a train back , whilst I will push on tomorrow, with no locks to go . Measured the roof, (cabin top in our word) and have some ideas for new panels. I’m definitely going narrower, so I can balance down the side of the boat in locks now. It was a bit frustrating when Blanche had to do everything and I couldn’t get off the boat, so I’m leaving room either side to be able to walk the cabin top if needed.
On the way filled with Diesel, at Clifton Cruisers – it was 97.7 litres, at a cost of £118.26 , cheaper than the Land Rover , and that doesn’t go too fast either.
Mopped the water at the back section, no more has come in , so it is just a matter of letting it dry out now.
Day 29 (Wed 31/05)
Today we went through the Braunston Tunnel meeting two boats, which was a bit scary, and then did the 6 Braunston locks, which was a lot better for Lyds as we had company going down in a two boat formation. At the bottom we moored and went back to the Admiral Nelson for a welcome pint and Lunch. Also went to the shops at Braunston, bought some bread and a few NB articles, and then sauntered off to the Braunston Marina for a bit more shopping. Turned onto the Oxford Canal, Ended up just south of Rugby around 7pm, but we did find a Greene King at Hillmorton and had a carvery
Day 28 (Tue30/05)
Lyds and I started reasonably early, for a student at least and started off , firstly dosed the diesel tank with 10,ml Marine 16, we got water and did the elsan at Crick Wharf, then went to turn round. easier said than done, 70 ft of boat is a huge length to turn, but eventually it was completed by ramming the bow into the reeds, and brute power, Them we traversed the Crick tunnel and down to the Watford Flight. Did catch a sill on one of the locks, but stopped the volunteer who quickly would down his paddle and refilled so as to give me the buoyancy again., I don’t know how Lyd’s fingernails survived but we did get some distance in, and were close to the main Grand Union Junction for our overnight. Stella is enjoying having different company on board. It is getting chilly at night, so we lit the fire.
Lydia christened the new bunk at he back, it’s a bit tight, but I’m assured its comfy.
Day 25 to Day 27 (Sat 27/05 to Mon 29/05 (bank holiday) – CRICK BOAT SHOW
On Saturday went round the show and couldn’t really find any bargains. We did buy something , ropes, small fittings, some Marine 16 and some grease , but slightly disappointed I didn’t get anywhere through my list. Even the windlass holster was not on show, but could be bought on the internet, (Daveonanon apparantly). On Saturday bumped into Dave, who was the guy who arranged the injector pump repair, just over three weeks ago, ensuing we could make the show, small world , Dave from Yardarm turned up, with Linda as planned and we spent some time and a few beers Saturday and Sunday listening firstly to Dr Feelgood, ( remembered more that I though I would ) and Queen Tribute Mercury (knew every one of course) Also bumped in to several marina people and Ken and Geoff, who left our marina last March after a greast leaving party, managed to get to the entrance to the Marina before getting towed back in, and have only got as Littleport in the last year, we passed them Littleport on Day 2 !. That’s boats for you .
Stuart from a solar company visited the boat and diagnosed a solar panel out , so disconnected it. We were keen to but y from him, but his prices were just too much. That probably explains why the engine needs to run for several hours a day, just to keep up with our fridge and freezer, and occasional net flicks for Blanche. Anyway that’s on the priority list now
On Sunday afternoon George and Lydia rocked up, and set up a very small tent, think tabletop ! and came to join us for Queen and beers.
On Monday George and Lydia came round the show with me, and Blanche left to pick up her car. We visited the Aquavista tent for a complimentary beer, as we are discussing with them to have a permanent mooring at Cowroast, close to Tim and only an hour to the bungalow. Anyway there was a three piect rish Influenced band playing and they introduced themselves as Ops manager and General Manager from Brinlow Marina, so after the set I spoke to them (Mark and another Dave ) and they have room for us to leave Pegasus there for a month whilst we go to Crete. Even better they have a music festival in July, and gave us some comp wristbands – Sorted !
Day 24 (Fri 26/05)
Well tonight we can get to the beer tent and listen to live bands, so a quiet day, filled with anticipation.
Went shopping and got some beer in, (just in case they run out ) and ran the engine quite a lot, so as to catch up the charge,
Day 23 (Thu 25/05)
Quite day, except that the batteries ran out of charge around 8.00 this morning. Used generator to top up, but it took a long time, and a tank of petrol. Eventually turned all power off in Pegasus, apart from Solar, and reused generator to top up when there was no load. Re-installed Alternator, changed the Victron settings to 13v fully charged from 12.6v on the shunt (yes it means something to me ! ) and ran the engine to put some charge back in. Ill try again tomorrow morning with the engine and get the batteries to a full state of charge.
Our new “breasted up” Neighbours arrived early this morning, Ray and Christine, who are marshalling this section of canal. Ate at Red Lion,
Day 22 (Wed 24/05)
Removed alternator, and checked voltages on the battery bank, around 11.65v , which seems low. Cannot find any voltage drops around the battery banks, but there’s a .4v drop to the main 12v distribution panel. Disconnected each battery and checked individually, all at 11.65v. Left cover and alternator off to ponder . Dropped the 13mm ¼ drive socket behind the batteries, can’t retrieve it
Also mopped up residual water around heater and got a gallon or so from the rear section. Suspicion is that the water is coming in from the stern gland, as it has not got any worse since we stopped.
No internet, so went to Red Lion to get messages, phone calls etc. George go promoted.
Day 21 (Tue 23/5)
Final push for Crick today, starting with the Watford Flight (with some staircase locks in the middle) ably assisted by the lockkeepers. This takes us to the summit of the canal, no more locks for 20 mile now. As we waited at he bottom took the opportunity to fill with water , and at the top managed Elsan and Rubbish, all set for Crick now, Only the Crick tunnel to go, nearly a mile of tunnel, which was a bit surreal going through, – the diesel smoke gets in your eyes, and the incessant staring into darkness plays tricks with the mind. Anyway through safely, and moored up on our berth for the next week or so. Elsan Empty, Rubbish None, Gas Both Full, Water Tanks Full, and set up for the festival. We are down in a dip, so Internet , probably TV will be patchy, wonder how the solar will fare ? Switching to energy and water saving modes now.
Day 20 (Mon 22/5)
Today was a lock day, we left our mooring and arrived at the Buckby Locks, 7 Double Locks, with a rise of 62 ft. , 9 ft per lock. The locks were hard work (for Blanche) but me and another boat travelled up in tandem, with the boat behind catching us up to help us, Never mind the thirsty work, there’s a beer at the top waiting at the New Inn. Saw Chris Bennet coming the other way, moving boats around the canals. Anyway to cut a long story short the New Inn moorings were taken by what looked like permanent moorers, and a sunken boat, so we moved on past to Napton junction. where we turned into the Leicester arm of the Grand Union. Knowing there were more locks to come we moored up opposite the Weltonfield Narrowboats Marina, which looked deserted, and considered walking back to the New Inn. The only good news is that the New Inn is closed on Mondays, so what looked like a missed opportunity was out of our hands in any case. Tweaked the throttle screw a little, too much as it transpired, but that was rectified the next day. Also got the power tools out to cut a mousehole in the Port Seat so Blanche can either stand behind it for lookout duties or sit on it for non lookout duties.
Day 19 (Sun 21/5)
Got down to Weedon for another rest , firstly went to Tesco Express to stock up (mostly booze) then to the Heart of England, then The Weatsheaf (for lunch) and finally the Roman Brewery in the Royal Ordinance buildings. Bit more mopping up, then wired the bilge pump to a switch so I can use it manually. The tick over revs are a bit high at 600, adjusted down by 1 complete turn , see what it’s like tomorrow. Hit a boat on a turn today, the rivers have a lot more water in them, so fast reverse works but on the canal there is simply not enough water to get a decent purchase , same with steering, need to be a bit more cautious on the canals. En-route passed two fishing matches, around 25 anglers on each stretch, mostly polite , I just kept a steady tick over straight down the middle, what more can you do ?

Day 18 (Sat 20/5)
Left Gayton Marina, as we were asked to vacate the mooring ready for their changeover day , but no problems, moved up to the Junction and found an Elsan point, so fresh everything now, and off we go.

In fact just round the corner we moored up for a rest ! Moved around a mile, moored up, had a couple of bad experiences, i.e. came adrift with the nappy pins, replaced them with the goats chains. Quiet day, wired the bilge pump to the 12v system (Not yet switched but fused) and topped up the gearbox with about a litre of 20/50. – note to self it is an imperial plug, not the 18mm which slips and almost breaks your arm. Adjusted tick over to increase idle revs slightly
Day 17 (Fri 19/5)
Left Northampton leisurely as we were told the pounds on the Rothersthorpe flight needed to recharge overnight. The next lock on the Nene, Beckets, was to be our last on that river. we carefully left the bottom gate open, and headed for the canals. , Started the Grand Union at Cotton End, and did Hunsbury, Hardington, and Wooton,, until the Rothershorpe Flight , 13 Locks in a row. The flight passes under the M1 at this point, and its a bit surreal to see it from above , and at the end of the flight below. Narrowboat locks are small by comparison to what we have so far encountered , just big enough for Pegasus , so no ropes required, and when one gate is closed it is safe to get off, as she is trapped in the lock at this point. Narrowboat locks are also quicker to fill, because of the smaller chambers, so it was a welcome relief to do some easy ones for a change. We also perfected only opening one gate, and nudging the other open, saving Blanches aching muscles. At the top of the flight lays Gayton Marina, and ABC boat hire, so we stopped for some nappy pins, and goat chains (used for mooring), and filled with water and replaced the 13kg gas bottle, (£43) which is our cooking gas, and lasts around 6 weeks per bottle. Filled the water tank also.

Day 16 (Thu 18/5)
Busy day today, left before 9, and did Earls Barton, White Mills, Whiston, Cogenhoe, Billing, Clifford Hill, Weston Favel, Ablington, and Rushmills Locks (9) . This included a stop at the Brittania Inn which was pretty handy , as we just moored up on their terrace, observed by the 40 or so diners enjoying the lunchtime sunshine. We didn’t mess it up, and looked pretty professional I must say , as we smugly stepped ashore and ordered our lunch. We then moored up in Northampton at the EA moorings and shortly after went to Northampton marina for maps, but unfortunately they did not have any we wanted. Never mind though we met a lovely lady , Michelle, who tried every thing to find a copy, including the back of her boat. She did find a very useful guide, which will get us at least onto the Grand Union, and we will post it back when we manage to procure the up to date copy of the Collins guide.
Cycled uphill into town on the folding bike, and eventually found a convenience store at the top of the hill, bought some basics, literally bread and wine (and hobnobs) then coasted down through the park right past Morrisons.
Some water in the rear bilge, not enough to be concerned about, but it’s not drying out , so I must get round to fitting the auto bilge pump in the next few days
We are within splitting distance of the Canals (or cut) one lock more on the River (however you pronounce it) Nene, but that’s followed by a flight, which I shall write more about tomorrow

Day 15 (Wed 17/5)
We ended up around where it says day 7 – but it’s the route planner – so far it’s taken 15 days , but that includes stoppages for Strong Streams, Pub Quizes, Pubs not to be missed, and waiting for locks !

Carried on down the Nene, met only two boats coming up, and saw no boats on passage, although we did hear that there are 3 about 1 1/2 hours in front, heading for Crick. Locks done were Irthingborough (deepest and most letters) , HIgham, Ditchford, Lower Wellingborough, Upper Wellingborough, Woolaston and Doddington. (7) There were no manual locks in this stretch, thank goodness, arms are aching . Stopped just after Doddington on the FOTRN mooring, which just like the last FOTRN mooring is simply a level bit of grassy bank. Our escape from the River system is getting ever closer, and we still have 8 days to get to Crick.

Day 14 (Tue 16/5)
Early Start (9am?) Carried on up The Nene, through Titchmarsh, Islip, Denford, Woodford, Lower Ringstead and Upper Rinstead (6). Mostly manual wheeel type locks, which are very hard on the arm muscles. On the way we stopped at Blackthorn Marina , and managed Diesel, Water Elsan and Rubbish disposal – result, that’s enough to easily reach the Cut.
Diesel – before filling 31 cm, after 53 cm. and 83 litres put in at a heating cost of £93 , That’s about 11 days cruising, just over £8 per day,. Fuel is 3.77 litres per centimetre, and tank is therefore around 200 litres l when full at 53 cm. The 40litres I carry for emergency will therefore give 15cm rise in the tank – all important to me !
Stopped on some wild mooring at Stanwick Lakes, Friends of the River Nene (FORTN) mooring We joined and it’s £12 pa, – bargain.
Quiet night, both suffering after five manual guillotines today. Just over 8 days to go to Crick , looks like we are on track. Estimate another two days on the Nene, although Lock frequency increases, , and we will get to Northampton, and some lock flights and tunnels to follow.
Day 13 (Mon 15/5)
Perio, Cotterstock, Ashton, Lower Barnwell, (Very Low Bridge !!) Upper Barnwell, Lilford and Wadenhoe Locks (7) to the Kings Arms at Wadenhoe where we met CC’rs Frank and Julie, on thier way to London on Midnight. Had dinner at the pub. One of the many churches on the Nene.

Fuel dip is 33 cm, just over 1/2 full, Engine Fluids OK, did stern gland and topped up CH Radiator fluid, Would like to get to the batteries when time allows as I’m suspicious that the connections are giving rise to a voltage drop on the battery bank.
Day 12 (Sun 14/5)

Knowing, or at least hoping the SSA would be lifted today cast off at 11, and was very please to get a text from EA saying it had been lifted at 12. Our target was to get past the potential river closure Monday morning, at wansford, so we pressed on with a long day , finally ending up at Fotheringgay, Castle Mound, – and Mound is the right description. However where the mound is now was the birthplace of Richard III and witnessed the Execution of Mary Queen of Scots. Passing on the Falcon we got a relatively early night ready for an early start the next morning. I calculate we’ve probably got 8 days to Crick at a good pace, and want to slow it down a bit as we have 10 or so until our mooring becomes available.
Went thorough Orton, Alwalton, Water Newton, Wansford, Yarwell , Elton and Warmington Locks (7)

Day 11 (Sat 13/5George’s Birthday)
Went tp Peterborough Cathedral in the morning, then into town for a coffee. To our surprise met Lynne from our Hartford Pontoon, she was shopping. So a drink later we went to Pets at home for Duck food, Asda for a frying pan and back to Pegasus to meet Dave and Linda. Dave had bought on our behalf 4x56lb weights for our ballast, We managed to borrow a key to the embankment access road so he was able to drive right up to Pegasus, A good job because every weight is very heavy (56 lb in fact !) Evening was a quiet one watching Eurovision
Day 10 (Fri 12/5)
Met up with Dave and Carol in Peterborough, just outside the Cathedral. Stocked up with some food for Stella, I took the festival trolley to Pets at home for a large bag.
In the afternoon re-wired the new back panel for the Navigation lights, Tunnel Light and Horn, it may be needed Sunday. Spoke to the river inspector, hopefully the red state of the river Nene will be lifted by then, but we are minded to have a go at getting past the closure by leaving Sunday. rain is not forecast so it should be OK.
Day 9 (Thurs 11/5)
Day on Pegasus mopping up water and diesel from the rear section, I split some diesel the other day, so used the nappies bought yesterday to good effect.
Sun, who we went into Salters Lode are moored here as well, it’s now a waiting game. We’ve been in touch with The Nene water officer (Lydon) and others including the contractors who are laying the cable , starting next Monday, but so far no-one knows what’s going to happen. In fact it’s raining now which is not a good sign. Dave and Carol are one lock behind us, and staying put until SSA allows them to pass onto the Nene. Saw this little fella ..

and his pretty wife

Day 8 (Wed 10/5)
Filled Water, changed over the heater diesel tank (that’s under half a tank used so far) and dipped the fuel tank which is at 43cm, from a full of 63 cm. 30% used, meaning we’ve probably got three weeks of cruising in a full tank. Increased idle revs on the engine slightly as I stalled it on tick over Monday. Slight hydraulic leak on the gearbox side, I’ll get some oil and tighten but not concerned, it’s only a small weep.
Went to Flag Fen in the morning by Uber, It’s a fenland Bronze / Iron age site where a causeway was discovered running through the fen, The preservation is buy means of keeping the wood wet, in a pond, but the surrounding posts and evidence will crumble to dust shortly (next 30 years) as the fens dry out.
See this video for some more info,
Came back to a bank that had flooded, so Pushed Pegasus further off the bank, and kept her off with a mudweight I threw as far into the river as I could,Food shopping at Asda for a weeks provisions in case we can make a run for it before Monday!

Day 7 (Tue 9/5)
Easy run through Stanground Lock, met Kev, who gave us free passage, although I did leave him a lock key. Went to Peterborough Town moorings, 15 minutes down into the Nene. Some shopping for Blanches waterproofs, and a craft beer and pasty made thigs better. Evening spent at the Grain Barge, a quaint Chinese restaurant, the like of I’ve not seen for 30 years or more. As were eating we get a message from floodline that the Nene is now in SSA (Strong Stream Advice) so looks like we may be here for a few days. Spoke to Dave and Carole, they are one lock behind us, so may catch us up tomorrow, if Stanground lets them through. Sara and Steve in Harbour Lights are well ahead of us now, but keeping us informed of their progress
Day 6 (Bank Holiday Monday 8/5)
Early start to avoid the 2pm rain (which didn’t arrive until 8!). Booked Stanground Loch for tomorrow at 11, which is our escape route from the Middle Levels and onto the Nene, pronounced (Nen or Neene depending on your mood !) Moored up at the back of the sports centre in Whittlesey just after Ashline Lock ,which having taken a walk into town doesn’t offer much on a wet bank holiday for boaters, and Stella. We need to be through Wansford by next Sunday, due to an impending river closure , but so far so good. were only about 4 or 5 locks away. We should make Peterborough tomorrow, and hopefully get moored up for some shopping.
Day 5 (Sun 7/5)
Passed many water pumping stations, this part of England is reclaimed land, actually they used a dutchman to do it for us, but its a network of long drains, all man made, and straight, named 20ft, 40ft etc, which is the width of the drain. Pegasus is 70ft, so no turning back, and careful navigation was in order.

East cruise to March. through Marmot Priory Lock.The Fens are below sea level , you cruise along, overlooking the countryside, wondering what it would be like if a bank burst . Moored up right in March Town centre – just opposite the Ship Inn, in glorious afternoon weather.

There was a Gaggle of geese nesting over the other bank, a nosy community Met and chatted with Mark and Di , who commissioned their 5 year old narrowboat, designing from scratch. Liked their colour scheme, may try and replicate.

We hope to meet up again at Crick. Watched the Coronation concert during the evening .
Day 4 (Sat 6/5 – Coronation Day)
One hour from Ten Mile Bank to Denver, past the moth of the River Wissey, then crossed to Salters Lode, which was not as bad as not seemed, on some of the YouTube Videos, Because the lock is a short one Pegasus and Sun (another 70ft) held against the inner lock gate, until it was possible to open the gate between river and estuary. The approach is difficult, but I have to say I nailed it. Watch this bit from 8 minutes 30 or so , the lockkeepers house is on the left , and you’ll also see how narrowboats do go sideways .
Up the Middle Level Link Route, from Great Ouse to River Neme now. Stopped at Outwell/Upwell for the night. It was a glorious morning, but rain in the afternoon,
The swans are nesting , but the Greylags have had their chicks already.
We went to the Globe Pub , and the landlord was complaining about the lack of boat traffic this year. Bridges are low, but haven’t scrapped my knuckles yet.

Day 3 (Fri 5/5)
Left Ely (thank goodness for the waterproofs in torrential rain, passed the River Lark and Little Ouse River until arriving at 10mile Bank , (Higay Bridge) around an hour from Denver Sluice for the estuary crossing tomorrow.

Day 2 (Thur 4/5)
Said goodbye to Guido and Nichole who came to see us. Left Westview and went through Hermitage, a manned lock under a road with restricted headroom, Held the boat in forward, it saved getting the ropes out. Now onto the “Old West River” which was hard going against the stream , until we passed the river Cam, and stopped at Ely for the night, right outside the Cutter Inn, and had dinner at an alternative (South American mostly) restaurant. Bought some waterproofs

Day 1 (Wed 3/5)
Leave Hartford at 10am, great send off from the pontoon and the staff at Hartford, including the smoke flares planed on our bow,
Fully fuelled, extra 40 litres of Jerry cans in the weed hatch , and another 2 and a half cans, for the heater.
Water tank is full, gas is one full 11kg, one half full and a Calor Gas Lite 6kg for BBQ.
Engine is obviously OK, anti freeze replenished to 50%. Oil levels good.
Down the Great Ouse Locks – Houghton, Hemmingford (right angle entrance) St Ives (right by the sluice).

Final lock was Brownshill Staunch ( a double guillotine lock ) into tidal waters and arrive at Westview Marina, for an overnight on the EA pontoon. This was our best chance of seeing a seal, unfortunately they were not playing ball. Saw Nichole and Family (ex Guido) at the Crystal Brewery Tap room quiz. Also met up with Dave and Carol in Elbereth , who are having their boat blacked at Westview, before following us down to the cu
Day 0 (Tue 2/5/2023)

Got a text from Steve at RCR at 8.30, Injector pump has been repaired, he will arrive at 10.30 to Fit ! This was slightly unexpected to say the least so Blanche and I swung into action, Blanche went to Marlow, swapped cars over. I got Pegasus ready to go. We went to Tesco for a weeks food, and finished our long day in Yardarm with Dave, for farewell drinks and hugs.